Something stirs within us, under our feet, it is Vertigo.
Vertigo occurs positively and negatively throughout our existence, and during it, we shape our person based on the decisions taken.
It is the fear of the new, changes, instability, the day after  tomorrow, confronting our life with ourself.
Vertigo exerts its weight in our consciousness and it goes back stronger with the passage of time, while its effects on children and youth does not appear to be so present.
The exhibition presents a myriad of situations and spaces where time has left its mark. The spaces of a home, the  environment as a reflection of our own achievement and failure as well as our personal care or neglect are present  in Vértigo and outline our nearly future. His images together with the store the memories and experiences of each viewer, are waiting his feasible interpretation.

Patricia Delgado

Access to all the images of Vertigo and here you can check the opening pictures

More information: Cecilia Domínguez Luis Text about Vertigo and the interview in Contraluz La Laguna to Patricia Delgado and Gotthart Kuppel.


You could check more engravings of Vertigo here

more information: Texto de Cecilia Domínguez Luis and interview to Patricia Delgado and Gotthart Kuppel en Contraluz La Laguna